Online Pharmacy

Aldara Generic

Note: Current Stock has Expiry Date of August 2013.

Aldara Cream, containing Imiquimod 5mg, is a popular medication for treating many types of skin conditions, and is used [on the skin only] to treat Acitinic Keratosis, superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma, Genital and Perianal warts. It can be used in children above 12 for treating Genital or Perianal Warts, but in the other two conditions it is recommended only for adults with a healthy immune function. Imiquimod activates the immune cells in the body into releasing cytokines like interferon. These cytokines strengthen the body`s immune response to infection by preventing viral replication and further advancement of such cells. It makes possible the timely detection of hitherto hidden lesions.

Aldara 5%

QuantityTypeOur PriceBuy
12 Sachets$104.99 USBuy
36 Sachets$302.99 USBuy


Uses of Aldara Generic :

Usage of Aldara cream makes possible the detection of previously hidden lesions, as in Acitinic Keratosis [AK] and superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma [sBCC], making it possible for these to be treated in time. It is also useful in treating Genital warts [GW], Perianal warts [PW], as well as infections that are caused by the Human Papillomavirus [HPV], some strains of which are responsible for causing GW. Mostly fair-complexioned people or those who’ve had over-exposure to strong lights can develop itchy, reddish-brown, yellowish-black, or skin-colored flat and dry patches on the skin, which can be teeny-weeny or maybe an inch in width, in AK. If this condition is not treated, it can develop into a cancer of the skin - Squamous Cell Cancer. Aldara can be used in people with AK provided they have a normal immune function. Over-exposure to the sunlight or strong lights can cause sBCC, which is a common skin cancer, and manifests itself in lesions, maybe new, or a change in an older growth, or a bleeding open sore. If detected in time, this condition can easily be treated with Aldara. GW and PW occur in the genital and anus areas in men and women as growths or bumps, either singly, or in clusters, which are mostly painless. They can vary in size, and blend with the skin. As certain strains of HPV are responsible for causing GW - which can be sexually transmitted - and once these have been detected, it is essential for both partners to be treated otherwise the single treated partner can be re-infected.